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Airfare price history charts for all flights from Amarillo to Corpus Christi

Airfare history from Amarillo to Corpus Christi

In order to find cheap airfares from Amarillo to Corpus Christi, simply use the directory of popular flight route combinations below. Please note that if your from-to combination is not in the list, you will need to enter the search in the search boxes.

More fare history to Corpus Christi

Route Price
Airfares from Houston (HOUSTON INTERCONT) to Corpus Christi (CRP) $58
Airfares from Fort Worth/Dallas (DALLAS INTL) to Corpus Christi (CRP) $138
Airfares from Cleveland (CLEVELAND HOPKINS) to Corpus Christi (CRP) $148
Airfares from Houston (HOUSTON HOBBY) to Corpus Christi (CRP) $169
Airfares from Huntsville (HUNTSVILLE/DECATUR HUNTSVILLE) to Corpus Christi (CRP) $186
Airfares from Salt Lake City (SALT LAKE CITY INTL) to Corpus Christi (CRP) $194
Airfares from Windsor Locks (HARTFORD CT/SPRINGFIELD BRADLY) to Corpus Christi (CRP) $198
Airfares from Boston (BOSTON LOGAN) to Corpus Christi (CRP) $202
Airfares from Phoenix (PHOENIX INTL) to Corpus Christi (CRP) $204
Airfares from Orlando (ORLANDO INT'L) to Corpus Christi (CRP) $217
Airfares from Tampa (TAMPA TAMPA) to Corpus Christi (CRP) $228
Airfares from Tucson (TUCSON INTL) to Corpus Christi (CRP) $241
Airfares from Richmond (RICHMOND/WMBG INTL) to Corpus Christi (CRP) $248
Airfares from Amarillo (AMARILLO INTL) to Corpus Christi (CRP) $268
Airfares from Denver (Denver International Airport) to Corpus Christi (CRP) $278
Airfares from Charlotte (CHARLOTTE DOUGLAS) to Corpus Christi (CRP) $295
Airfares from Dallas (DALLAS LOVE) to Corpus Christi (CRP) $317
Airfares from Lubbock (LUBBOCK) to Corpus Christi (CRP) $346
Airfares from Sarasota (SARASOTA/BRADENTON BRADENTON) to Corpus Christi (CRP) $367
Airfares from Gulfport (GULFPORT/BILOXI BILOXI REG) to Corpus Christi (CRP) $451
Airfares from Detroit (DETROIT WAYNE CO) to Corpus Christi (CRP) $556
Airfares from Beijing (BEIJING CAPITAL) to Corpus Christi (CRP) $1810