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Airfare price history charts for all flights from Carlsbad to Greensboro

Airfare history from Carlsbad to Greensboro

In order to find cheap airfares from Carlsbad to Greensboro, simply use the directory of popular flight route combinations below. Please note that if your from-to combination is not in the list, you will need to enter the search in the search boxes.

More fare history to Greensboro

Route Price
Airfares from Washington DC (WASHINGTON DULLES) to High Point (GSO) $93
Airfares from Washington DC (WASHINGTON NATIONAL) to High Point (GSO) $103
Airfares from Fort Lauderdale (FT. LAUDERDALE INTL) to High Point (GSO) $115
Airfares from Orlando (ORLANDO INT'L) to High Point (GSO) $122
Airfares from Philadelphia (PHILADELPHIA PA/WILM'TON INTL) to High Point (GSO) $123
Airfares from Tampa (TAMPA TAMPA) to High Point (GSO) $139
Airfares from Chicago (CHICAGO O'HARE) to High Point (GSO) $141
Airfares from Los Angeles (LOS ANGELES INTL) to High Point (GSO) $150
Airfares from Chicago (CHICAGO MIDWAY) to High Point (GSO) $155
Airfares from Norfolk (NORFOLK INTL) to High Point (GSO) $160
Airfares from Atlanta (ATLANTA HARTSFIELD) to High Point (GSO) $192
Airfares from Fort Worth/Dallas (DALLAS INTL) to High Point (GSO) $199
Airfares from Westchester County (WESTCHESTER COUNTY) to High Point (GSO) $205
Airfares from Omaha (OMAHA EPPLEY) to High Point (GSO) $209
Airfares from Santa Ana (SANTA ANA WAYNE INTL) to High Point (GSO) $209
Airfares from Columbus (COLUMBUS INT'L) to High Point (GSO) $218
Airfares from Manchester (MANCHESTER MUNICIPAL) to High Point (GSO) $218
Airfares from Miami (MIAMI INT'L) to High Point (GSO) $223
Airfares from Portland (PORTLAND INTL) to High Point (GSO) $225
Airfares from Palm Springs (PALM SPRINGS) to High Point (GSO) $228
Airfares from Seattle (SEATTLE/TACOMA SEA/TAC) to High Point (GSO) $232
Airfares from Saint Louis (ST. LOUIS INTL) to High Point (GSO) $232
Airfares from New York (NEW YORK NY/NEWARK LA GUARDIA) to High Point (GSO) $235
Airfares from Montgomery (MONTGOMERY DANNELLY) to High Point (GSO) $244
Airfares from San Diego (SAN DIEGO LINDBERG) to High Point (GSO) $251
Airfares from Newark (NEW YORK NY/NEWARK NEWARK INL) to High Point (GSO) $264
Airfares from New York (NEW YORK NY/NEWARK KENNEDY) to High Point (GSO) $268
Airfares from South Bend (SOUTH BEND ST. JOSEPH) to High Point (GSO) $271
Airfares from Vancouver (VANCOUVER INTL) to High Point (GSO) $272
Airfares from Lincoln (LINCOLN MUNICIPAL) to High Point (GSO) $310
Airfares from Long Beach (LONG BEACH MUNICIPAL) to High Point (GSO) $316
Airfares from Dallas (DALLAS LOVE) to High Point (GSO) $327
Airfares from Denver (Denver International Airport) to High Point (GSO) $328
Airfares from Detroit (DETROIT WAYNE CO) to High Point (GSO) $337
Airfares from Waco (WACO METRO) to High Point (GSO) $353
Airfares from Providence (PROVIDENCE T. FRANCIS) to High Point (GSO) $354
Airfares from Oakland (OAKLAND INTL) to High Point (GSO) $359
Airfares from Carlsbad (CARLSBAD) to High Point (GSO) $370
Airfares from Houston (HOUSTON INTERCONT) to High Point (GSO) $395
Airfares from Oklahoma City (OKLAHOMA CITY ROGERS) to High Point (GSO) $398
Airfares from Baltimore (BALTIMORE INT'L) to High Point (GSO) $411
Airfares from Toronto (TORONTO PEARSON) to High Point (GSO) $412
Airfares from Phoenix (PHOENIX INTL) to High Point (GSO) $427
Airfares from Williamsburg (HAMPTON INTL) to High Point (GSO) $433
Airfares from Richmond (RICHMOND/WMBG INTL) to High Point (GSO) $440
Airfares from Niagara Falls (International) to High Point (GSO) $481
Airfares from Houston (HOUSTON HOBBY) to High Point (GSO) $500
Airfares from Hamilton (BERMUDA KINDLEY) to High Point (GSO) $551
Airfares from Sacramento (SACRAMENTO METRO) to High Point (GSO) $589
Airfares from Reno (RENO CANNON) to High Point (GSO) $619
Airfares from Kahului (KAHULUI) to High Point (GSO) $642
Airfares from Tijuana (TIJUANA) to High Point (GSO) $656
Airfares from Honolulu (HONOLULU INTL) to High Point (GSO) $725
Airfares from London (LONDON GATWICK) to High Point (GSO) $823
Airfares from London (LONDON HEATHROW) to High Point (GSO) $932
Airfares from Colorado Springs (COLORADO SPRINGS PETERSON) to High Point (GSO) $1051
Airfares from Chennai (MADRAS MENMBARKAM) to High Point (GSO) $1238
Airfares from San Francisco (SAN FRANCISCO INTL) to High Point (GSO) $1477
Airfares from Taipei (TAIPEI SHEK) to High Point (GSO) $1745
Airfares from Bonaire (BONAIRE FLAMINGO) to High Point (GSO) $2992