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Airfare price history charts for all flights from Greenville/Spartanburg to Kiev

Airfare history from Greenville/Spartanburg to Kiev

In order to find cheap airfares from Greenville/Spartanburg to Kiev, simply use the directory of popular flight route combinations below. Please note that if your from-to combination is not in the list, you will need to enter the search in the search boxes.

Hint: Move your mouse over the chart to see detailed pricing from Greenville/Spartanburg to Kiev


Basic information for historical flights from Greenville/Spartanburg to Kiev

Lowest price found $957
Average price $958
Cheapest months to travel   October

More fare history to Kiev

Route Price
Airfares from Cologne (COLOGNE/BONN KOELN) to Kiev (KBP) $117
Airfares from Dusseldorf (DUESSELDORF) to Kiev (KBP) $127
Airfares from Hamburg (HAMBURG FUHLSBUTTL) to Kiev (KBP) $135
Airfares from Stuttgart (STUTTGART ECHTERDINGEN) to Kiev (KBP) $171
Airfares from Frankfurt (FRANKFURT INTL) to Kiev (KBP) $189
Airfares from Munich (MUNICH) to Kiev (KBP) $215
Airfares from Dusseldorf ( - Ra) to Kiev (KBP) $369
Airfares from Muenster (MUENSTER) to Kiev (KBP) $375
Airfares from Cologne ( - Ra) to Kiev (KBP) $412
Airfares from Dortmund (DORTMUND WICKEDE) to Kiev (KBP) $483
Airfares from Toronto (TORONTO PEARSON) to Kiev (KBP) $644
Airfares from Chicago (CHICAGO O'HARE) to Kiev (KBP) $674
Airfares from Atlanta (ATLANTA HARTSFIELD) to Kiev (KBP) $725
Airfares from Toronto (TORONTO TORONTO IS) to Kiev (KBP) $736
Airfares from Pittsburgh (PITTSBURGH INTL) to Kiev (KBP) $737
Airfares from Buffalo (BUFFALO INTL) to Kiev (KBP) $739
Airfares from Stuttgart ( - Ra) to Kiev (KBP) $775
Airfares from London (LONDON MUNICIPAL) to Kiev (KBP) $775
Airfares from Cleveland (CLEVELAND HOPKINS) to Kiev (KBP) $810
Airfares from Spartanburg/Greenville (GREENVILLE) to Kiev (KBP) $957
Airfares from Knoxville (KNOXVILLE TYSON) to Kiev (KBP) $1143
Airfares from Denver (Denver International Airport) to Kiev (KBP) $1268
Airfares from Columbus (COLUMBUS INT'L) to Kiev (KBP) $1331
Airfares from San Francisco (SAN FRANCISCO INTL) to Kiev (KBP) $1373
Airfares from Fort Worth/Dallas (DALLAS INTL) to Kiev (KBP) $1543
Airfares from Chicago (CHICAGO MIDWAY) to Kiev (KBP) $1585
Airfares from South Bend (SOUTH BEND ST. JOSEPH) to Kiev (KBP) $1600
Airfares from Tucson (TUCSON INTL) to Kiev (KBP) $1670
Airfares from Phoenix (PHOENIX INTL) to Kiev (KBP) $1676
Airfares from Madison (MADISON TRUAX FLD) to Kiev (KBP) $1754
Airfares from San Jose (SAN JOSE) to Kiev (KBP) $1783
Airfares from Milwaukee (MILWAUKEE G MITCHELL) to Kiev (KBP) $1794
Airfares from Carmel (MONTEREY PENINSULA) to Kiev (KBP) $1827
Airfares from Sacramento (SACRAMENTO METRO) to Kiev (KBP) $1902
Airfares from Oakland (OAKLAND INTL) to Kiev (KBP) $2680